With temperatures rising well above 40°C in many parts of Myanmar, chances of developing heat-related illnesses are on the rise, too. In the last 130 years, the world has warmed by approximately 0.85°C. As a result, extreme weather events are becoming more intense and frequent.
Prolonged and sustained heat waves can also be attributed to climate change, and are occurring more and more frequently in many parts of the world. Extreme high air temperatures contribute directly to deaths from cardiovascular and respiratory disease, particularly among elderly people. In addition, high temperatures raise the levels of ozone and other pollutants in the air, which exacerbate cardiovascular and respiratory disease.
In April and May 2016, the South East Asia region experienced drought, severe heat and water shortages, exacerbated by one of strongest El Niño climate cycles in decades. In Myanmar, several cases of heat-related illnesses were reported across the country, including cases of death from heat stroke.
WHO has published a factsheet on ‘Management of heat-related illnesses’, illustrating the dangers, symptoms and actions to be taken to address health problems during heat waves. Heat-related illnesses are preventable and treatable, but can become fatal if symptoms are not addressed in a timely way.